Replacement Filter - 64 oz. Family Water Pitcher
Heaven's Harvest Store
Regular Dual Replacement Filters for our 64oz. Family Water Pitcher. Will filter up to 200 gallons of water.
It removes up to 99.99% of contaminants and pollutants found in fresh water supplies including Aesthetics such as chlorine, Sediment and dirt; Chemicals (VOC's) such as DDT, MTBE, Benzene, Chloroforms (THM's); Dissolved Solids (heavy metals) such as Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Copper, Zinc, Aluminum, Chromium 6. Removes up to 90% of fluoride.
Filter Life: up to 200 Gallons
Since it is more open in porosity, it does not remove giardia, cryptosporidium, viruses or bacteria. (Not to be used with salt water.)