Why Heaven's Harvest?

Why all the fuss about heirloom seeds? 

Did you know, if you were to take the seed from a grocery store fruit or vegetable - say a green pepper, for example - you may not actually grow another green pepper?  That genetically modified (GMO) seed may produce something entirely different, or nothing at all!

Heaven’s Harvest Seed kits contain only Heirloom, Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid, Open-Pollinated seeds. Seeds created simply, by nature. Heirloom seeds have been harvested from a plant grown 75+ years prior. Heirloom seeds are known for their tremendous yield, flavor, and hardiness. Which is why they’ve been passed down generation after generation - like a treasured family keepsake, they’re an Heirloom! 

Our Heirloom Vegetable Seed Kit contains 39 different varieties of hand-selected, non-hybrid, non-gmo, seeds. We use high grade Mylar Foil packs to store our seed. Mylar Foil reflects heat and light, so it is perfect for keeping your seeds fresh (it’s the same stuff NASA uses in Space to store their food!!) Sealed inside the mylar foil bags, Heaven’s Harvest heirloom seeds have a 10 year shelf life.

Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

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